Sunday, February 6, 2011


Im gonna try to keep this one short and to the point, because Im getting complaints from some people who say "your blogs are too long !".  Dunno if thats just an excuse as to not to hurt me for not reading my blog or not, but Ill keep it short-ish and less philosophical for this one.

Oh, and its not depressing this time.  Maybe thats where my creativity stems from?  Depression? Or maybe online-venting-your-feelings is such a release that equates to punching a wall when you're angry or kicking a table, hurting your toe and then punching the wall for doing such a stupid thing.

Anyway, I went to the Zoo!  In Kuwait.  (I can hear you all the way from here you cheeky bugger for laughing.  You know who you are Fajardo.)

It was a trip that happened out of the blue.  I got one of those annoying phone calls where the person on the other line asks you to make a decision on the spot.  And they make it sound so matter of fact that its such a normal thing to make a life changing decision in an instant.

That person was my beloved sister.

"Abdullah, we're going to the zoo.  You have to decide now because we're car pooling, and if you dont come with us you're not going."

End of story.

But first off:

1. The way she said it was so matter-of-fact that she made it sound that the zoo was a place we hung out at everyday, and this wasn't the first time we go since I was 10 years old.

2. Why the pressure?  Is it not enough that my day job tends to force me to make many decisions that kill or save a life under pressure?  Now I have to do that when im deciding to go to the zoo of all places?

3. Why couldn't I just meet them there?  Why was car pooling an "order"?

I guess it was a big sis sorta thing.  Or maybe cuz they knew that if they tried any other way the zoo would probably close and the elephant would have gone to sleep before I even came to a decision.

Either way, I went, and so did the kids (who I presume were the main reason behind us going and it wasn't just an attempt to get me out the house).  And I have pics!


Oody wondering what the hell those small hairy things are

Oody and Big Sis posing with an elephant .. strange sentence.

Closest thing to a camel I've seen at the zoo

Oody is mildly interested at this point

Really dont know what kinda pose Big Sis was pulling here

A Bear .. also doesnt have a clue what Big Sis was posing about

Typical arab test is throw your son in with a bear and see who wins.  Test of manhood. 
"I whooped that bears ass .. "

Anyway, as we agreed.  Short and sweet.

Its a trip to the zoo, what more do you want me to write for Gods sake? ;p

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Life's interesting.  Seriously, in all aspects.  سبحان الله

I mean, is there anything else in this world besides this entity of "life" that can turn a moment of utter euphoria into your worst hellish nightmare?  And vice versa.

Really, think about it.  You're Bayern Munich in the champions league final, you're leading Manchester United 1-0 and its the dying seconds of the match.  Its literally the end, even the guy placing the ribbons on the trophy, YOUR trophy, places your colours.

And in then in the blink of an eye, two goals rush into your net, and you lose the thing you worked so hard to gain all your life.

On the other hand, take Ted Williams.  A homeless guy in the states, happened to be holding a sign that claims that he has a "golden voice" for radio voice-overs.  As fate would have it (or luck to some of you), a journalist happens to be passing by recording this and is mesmerised by what he heard.  The guy is the next Morgan Freeman.  He's currently working for the Cleveland Cavaliers, who also happened to have bought him a house to live in.

Well, the reason this whole "life" thing got me thinkin was because the other day I realised I wasnt a happy chappy anymore.  I was in heaven 4 months ago, nothing could get me down.  Hell, a nurse in Aberdeen once called me "the singing doctor" cuz I was crazy enough to sing and whistle in between patients.

I would've called myself "wacko jacko", but people are different.

But life couldnt get any better, I was doing everything right, and everything was going my way.  In every aspect.

Today, what a fall from grace.

I missed my old life.  Dearly.  The fare-weather days in Aberdeen with the boys, doing what we liked, when liked only because we "liked" to.  And it wasnt anything spectacular or anything particularly dangerous or naughty.  Im talking about simple things I do here as well.

Lazying around, watching tv, ordering food and watching the football, going to Tesco's at 3 am only because we thought that early morning was the most important time to fill the fridge.  Deciding to travel to Newcastle at 1am, which is a 5 hour drive, because we were bored at 1am just then.  Oh, we were on the way to Edinburgh when we decided "screw you Edinburgh, we're driving right through and out your bum and a further 3 hours, cuz we want to".

Its different here.  Its home, dont get me wrong, there is so much to love about it.  But, its different.  The narrow minded folk tend to outnumber the wonderful openminded, "normal" people, and unless you have the willpower to go against em and persevere, your life will be exhausting.

Take something as simple (or complicated) as a relationship, if its not a certain way / shape or form, and it doesnt suit what most people take as "normal", you're suddenly an alien.  Why? Because some people dont like change? Cuz some people cant handle certain things, they automatically assume others cant?  Because the road these people are choosing isnt as simple as you planned for them to be?

So you're left with two choices, elope or join forces with the dark side.  (hey, they got cookies!).

Coping with the present isnt difficult.  When you're raised and surrounded by the perfect family and friends, with the perfect girl by your side, you'll prosper.

Its letting go of the past that haunts you.  The good ol' days as they call em.  Well they called it right, they werent just good, they were great.  But if you've got one foot in the present and one foot in the past, you'll be crawling your way into the future.

So if you dont sever ties with the past, rest assured, the past can be cruel and sever ties with you, because its not meant to be in your present.

When that happens, you'll feel down, but dont worry, you'll persevere.  You did before.  This isnt any different.

You just wish from the bottom of your heart that it was.

Life.  There aint nothing like it.